Nulli Secundus started on the Archbishop Lazarus server on day 1 the game was released, June 2, 2022. Like many clans, the leadership has changed. The clan has been led by RoxenRox, Rambo, Sven and Jackyna is the current leader. Clan merged with other clans while on the Archbishop Lazarus server. The clan moved to the Unspoken server and merged with other clans. Unspoken eventually became a whale server. So, the clan moved again to the Pools of Wisdom server in August of 2024 and merged with The Chosen One (TCO). TCO was another day 1 clan and about 40 players moved to Nulli Secundus. We have been Immortal on every server, about a dozen times. We will be Immortal many more times! We're always looking for PVP players.
Cheers Malakas!